Why Engage a Fundraising Consultant?

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Why Engage a Fundraising Consultant?

By Clare Jordan


You know the old fundraising adage: “You want money, ask for advice. You want advice, ask for money.” We all find ourselves seeking expert advice at times when we don’t have all the answers ourselves. But just try asking for money and you’re sure to get plenty of advice!

Seeking counsel in uncharted territory is essentially the reason nonprofits engage consultants for help with fundraising, planning, staffing, and a myriad of issues. When a major campaign is looming, smart nonprofits recognize the value of calling on a professional fundraising consultant for strategic advice, counsel, guidance, and direction.

Top major donors and foundations are also known to encourage nonprofit organizations to partner with a consultant to give credibility to the campaign process and validity to its likelihood for success.

Sometimes nonprofits are hesitant to dedicate resources to consultants, so it’s good to enter a potential consulting relationship prepared. Here are some key questions to consider in seeking a fundraising consultant for your nonprofit:



  1. What kind of nonprofit are you and what do you need?

There is a huge range of organizations and institutions within the nonprofit sector: from the arts to the environment, religion to healthcare, social services to animals and international affairs – all have varying budgets, staffing, service areas, and missions, so there is no one-size-fits-all consultancy.

Ask yourself:

  • Do you want a specialist or a generalist consulting firm?
  • Do you want a national firm or a more local flavor?
  • Does the project require more than one type of consulting firm?
  • Do you need to create an RFP to seek proposals or will you use a more customized process?


  1. What major challenges are you facing?

Nonprofits frequently need to overcome challenges including:

  • Limited funding and resource constraints
  • Balancing social impact with financial sustainability
  • Meeting evolving donor expectations and reporting requirements
  • Volunteer recruitment and management

What areas of challenge could a consultant help you manage?


  1. What is the role of a consultant in meeting the needs of your nonprofit?

Nonprofit consultants are meant to help organizations operate more effectively, achieve goals, and address challenges. Consultants, by nature, provide a much-needed outside perspective that helps to develop strategies and resources tailored to unique needs. Consultants can also coach organizations on best practices for long-term success. Although some consultants offer a broader range of services than others, most specialize in specific areas, such as:


  1. What can a nonprofit consultant do for me?

Set your expectations for what you could accomplish with a good nonprofit consultant partnership:

  • Collaboration & Needs Assessment: A good consultant will work collaboratively with a nonprofit to understand its unique needs, mission, and goals. Assessments are often a first step to familiarize the consultant and to provide key insights from gathering information and holding meetings that will inform the consultant’s findings and recommendations.
  • Strategic Guidance: Nonprofits can expect consultants to provide strategic advice on various aspects of their work, such as:
    • Developing fundraising strategies and grant proposals
    • Planning and implementing major campaigns
    • Optimizing program effectiveness and impact measurement
    • Enhancing board governance and leadership
    • Improving communication and donor engagement strategies
    • Streamlining operations and technology use
    • Organizational strategies and related staffing
  • Capacity Building: A key area of need for all nonprofits is to build their capacity for long-term sustainability. The best consultants help nonprofits improve their internal capacity by:
    • Providing training and workshops
    • Developing best practices and resource materials
    • Connecting with relevant resources and networks
  • Project Management & Implementation: Some consultants manage specific projects or assist with implementation of new strategies. Fundraising consultants, for example, are typically focused on building development plans, conducting feasibility studies, and leading planning and implementation of major campaigns.


  1. What are the benefits of working with a consultant?

Nonprofits can anticipate a good return on the investment of partnering with a consultant, including benefits such as:

  • Expertise & Fresh Perspective: One of the greatest values of a consultant’s expertise is the ability to offer an objective, external perspective, and for the advice to be heard and seriously considered by the organization’s leadership.
  • Efficiency & Cost-Effectiveness: Consultants are well-versed in helping nonprofits save time and resources by providing targeted solutions that make the most of tight budgets. A good campaign consultant, for example, should assist the nonprofit in raising funds to meet goals far beyond that which the organization might be able to pursue unassisted.
  • Increased Impact & Sustainability: Bottom line: a consultant’s guidance can lead to improved fundraising, stronger programs, and greater impact on the organization’s mission.


  1. Why would a nonprofit choose CapDev as their partner to achieve goals?

The biggest remaining question in engaging a fundraising consultant is who you choose. Here are a few key reasons CapDev clients have selected us over our four decades of service to the nonprofit sector:

  • CapDev’s Experience & Geographic Focus: CapDev’s four decades of experience working with a wide range of nonprofits across the Southeastern United States (Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and neighboring areas) makes us a reliable source for nonprofits in our region.
  • Ideal Client Profile: CapDev works with established, mission-driven 501c3 organizations with a commitment to continuous learning and growth.
  • Team Approach: CapDev matches clients with a Senior Counsel with the time, expertise, and proximity to drive the project, and that consultant is supported by a full team supplying resources, leadership, research, and experience as well.
  • Our Philosophy: We believe in building nonprofits’ capacity for long-term, sustainable development. We help our clients shift from transactional fundraising to relational philanthropy with transformational results.


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