CapDev Makes Nonprofits Better

Simply put, it is our job to help make mission-driven organizations like yours do what you do better. How do we do it? By helping you build sustainable, inclusive, relational philanthropy and by uncovering leaders who move your organizations forward. We also offer opportunities to learn with CapDev, in client relationships as well as from our workshops, conferences and other resources.

Why Choose CapDev

In short, choose CapDev because partnering with us makes your nonprofit better. We’ll meet you where you are and help you get where you want to go. Whether that’s to build capacity for sustainable philanthropy or to hire dynamic leaders for your organization, CapDev will help you achieve your goals.

What to Expect

When you partner with CapDev, you’re getting the benefit of an appointed contact person, your Senior Counsel, in addition to a full team of experienced professionals who have a vested interest in your success. We know and serve your local area—and have connections throughout the region. We’re cost-conscious, accessible, flexible, accountable and we live up to our reputation. And we’ll provide you with measurable outcomes in each phase of our work.

How We Help

Beyond the CapDev team, you’ll have access to our expertise, including years of related experience and a range of tools and resources. Our clients say that we “truly join their team.” We listen closely to your needs and bring our best assets to build your capacity for long-term inclusive, sustainable philanthropy and leadership. We guide and direct development and campaign planning and keep searches on track. From our popular campaign planning workshop to customized training sessions, CapDev helps staff and board deepen your knowledge, gain a fresh perspective, and get motivated and inspired!

Our Services

We provide a full range of services to assist with the philanthropy and executive search needs of your organization, including:

Philanthropy Services:

  • Development Plans
  • Feasibility Studies
  • Campaign Planning

Search Services:

  • Comprehensive Executive Search
  • Candidate Sourcing