In partnership with several community colleges and many other colleges, universities and independent schools, Capital Development Services has assisted with executive search for senior level advancement and presidents.
Recently Capital Development Services conducted the search for Mitchell Community College’s next president. With deep familiarity with the campus and its leaders from past campaign work, CapDev was able to get the search underway quickly and brought a great comfort level and sense of confidence to the college. The outcome of the national search was the hire of an internal candidate. Dr. Tim Brewer had previously served as the college’s head of development, and was an ideal fit for the role and rapidly embraced by all.
“Replacing a long-tenured president is never easy. The integrity of the presidential search process – a partnership between the Board of Trustees and the search firm – is critically important in selecting the best candidate to lead and manage an educational institution. CapDev brought integrity and professional acumen to the search at Mitchell Community College that resulted in an excellent selection – a selection with both college and community-wide acceptance and enthusiasm.”
Kennon Briggs, former Chief of Staff, N.C. Community College System