Lunch & Learn Seminar: “Mission Possible: How to Achieve Your Expansion Goals”

February 6, 2025

Lunch & Learn Seminar: “Mission Possible: How to Achieve Your Expansion Goals”


Join HandsOn NWNCForsyth Tech’s Small Business Center, and the Guilford Nonprofit Consortium for an engaging and informative lunch & learn seminar designed to equip nonprofit leaders with the tools and knowledge to plan for future expansion and facility needs. Whether your organization is considering a move, renovation, or new construction in the future, the more you know about the building planning process and the funding to make it possible, the better! This seminar will provide valuable insights and strategies to ensure your plans align with your mission and maximize your resources. Attendees will also be led through key planning considerations using engaging activities and a panel discussion to help your nonprofit get prepared for its next big step.

The seminar features guest panelists Stuart McCormick and Allan Burrows. Stuart is the President of LAMBERT Architecture + Interiors and will share best practices for planning facilities that support organizational goals and enhance functionality within budget constraints.

Allan is the CEO of Capital Development Services and will provide a tool for assessing your campaign readiness and discuss how to align your campaign and philanthropic strategies with your vision for expansion and growth.

Who should attend: Executive directors, board members, operations managers, and development professionals in the nonprofit sector who are planning for or interested in understanding the process of facility development, growth, and funding.

Free to attend. Complimentary lunch is provided by Lambert and CapDev and registration is required by Friday, Feb. 7th to attend. The seminar is from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and will not be recorded.


Learn more about the session and presenters, and register HERE

social media post  mission possible how to achieve your expansion goals with Allan Burrows and Stuart McCormick headshots

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